Web/Mobile VR showroom.

Model Home on-the-go.

Web VR showroom

Embed this technology right on to your own website,  it’s as simple as copy-and-pasting a line of code. 

You can navigate the property either through point and click or simply pull out the floor plan on the right hand side and traverse through the property using this simple way.

Mobile VR Showroom

With mobile virtual reality, connecting potential buyers with properties is easier than ever before. VR allows the buyer to view the property from anywhere – even another continent. All the buyer has to do is strap on a VR headset.  Without even stepping through the front door, the buyer will be able to view different rooms and see what the property has to offer. It is an efficient way to keep the property transparent and your buyers interested.


Let's Chat

available from 9am – 5pm

Address  299 Northfield Drive

Waterloo, ON, Canada